Face Shield Styles

28 January 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog


A cloth mask is effective in preventing respiratory droplets from entering your nose or mouth, but your eyes are left unprotected. To double up on protection while traveling or spending time around others, purchase some reusable face shields that can be worn with your favorite cloth masks.

A Shield That Needs To Be Secured Around The Neck

Many face shields are designed to wrap around the top of the head and hang downward. Although this shield style is relatively common, you may be looking for something slightly less restrictive and that will eliminate pressure from your temples and forehead.

Purchase a shield that contains a collar-like tab that runs along the base of the shield. The collar may be constructed of plastic or fabric and will be slightly angled so that it can be adjusted to fit your neck size. The angling will hold the plastic away from your face.

A Shield That Contains A Foam Headband

A shield that contains a foam headband will absorb sweat. Some shields in this style are constructed with plastic that is UV-resistant. This type of shield can be comfortably worn while taking a long flight or sightseeing. The cloth strap that is secured to the back of the shield may contain a velcro closure.

The plastic face covering may be slightly rounded and is designed to cover the top of the hairline to the base of the chin. Shields may be various widths and heights, allowing a consumer to select one that is suitable for their head shape. 

A Clip-On Shield

A clip-on shield can be secured to your glasses or visor and will eliminate the need for a strap. Polycarbonate shields will contain small metal clips that will allow a wearer to protect themselves on the spur of the moment. Because this type of shield tends to be smaller in size than a standard full-face model, the face covering will feel pretty weightless while it is being worn.

A Shield That Provides Additional Coverage

If you will be exposed to liquids that could possibly be contaminated with germs, a face shield that has a piece of fabric attached to the bottom of it will protect your clothing from liquid spills. With this type of covering, the top portion of the shield will be translucent and the bottom may contain a colorful print or a solid piece of material that can be draped across the front of your shirt.